በ ቶሮንቶ ከተማ ውስጥ ሺሻ እንዳይሸጥ ታገደ፥፥
የከተማዋ ምክር ቤት ከዛሬ ኤፕሪል ኣንድ ጀምሮ በ ላውንጆች እና ቡና ቤቶች ውስጥ ሺሻ እንዳይሸጥ የሚከለክል ውሳኔ አስተላልፏል ፥፥
ባለ ሺሻ ቤቶች እና ተጠቃሚዎች ውሳኔውን ተቃውመዋል፥
Toronto outlaws the use of hookah inside licensed establishments.
The Toronto city Council voted to outlaw Shisha Bars and the use of Hookah( Shisha ) inside lounges . The council voted 34-3 banning the use of Shishah inside licensed establishments .
A report from the Toronto city Board of Health argued that smoking Shisha causes extreme health problems such as lung cancer .
The owners of Shisha lounges have been expressing their opposition to the ban . They argued that the decision is discriminatory and only targets a certain community .
Speaking to the Globe and Mail one Shihsa bar owner says “It’s a part of our life, but the Canadian councillors cannot see it. They cannot feel it,” he said. “These places give us back the atmosphere of back home that we are missing here.”
Photo – Face book