ታዋቂው የታሪክ ምሁር ፕሮፌሰር ሪቻርድ ፓንክረስት ከዚህ ዓለም በሞት ተለዩ።
የኢትዮጵያ ወዳጅ ፕሮፌሰር ሪቻርድ ፓንክረስት በ90 ዓመታቸው ነው ያረፉት:: A man with eternal love for Ethiopia,
Professor Richard Pankhrust passed away today in Addis Ababa Ethiopia . Pankhruts who died at the age of 90 was a well known historian whose historic research contributed to the study of Ethiopian History .
As the founding member of the Ethiopian studies at the University of Addis Ababa , Pankhurst has been largely praised for his diligence towards the return of the Obelisk of Axum which was taken by the Italians during the invasion .
He is survived by his daughter Helen and his son Alula Pankhurst.
Pankhurst’s mother sylvia Pankhurst was an avid supporter of Ethiopia during the Italian aggression .
Last year , the Toronto based, Bikila Awards, gave a life time achievement award for The Pankhurst family .