የቶሮንቶ ኣየር በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ እየሞቀ ነው እስከ ቀጣዩ ሳምንትም ይቀጥላል
ኢንቫይሮመንት ካናዳ በሙቀቱ ወቅት የሚያደረጉ ጥንቃቄዎችን ዘርዝሯል
Toronto’s hot weather will continue through the coming week . The heat alert for Toronto is still in effect .
Environment Canada warned the public to take extra caution.
Here are the Recommended actions
Reduce your heat risk. Schedule outdoor activities during the coolest parts of the day.
Seek a cool place such as a tree-shaded area, swimming pool, shower or bath, or air-conditioned spot like a public building.
Never leave people or pets inside a parked vehicle.
Outdoor workers should take regularly scheduled breaks in a cool place.