Toronto is under shock. Watching video clips of a white Van driver plowing in to pedestrians on Yong and Finch area of Toronto was some thing no one wanted to witness.
በቶሮንቶ የ መኪና ጥቃት የሞቱት ቁጥር አስር ደርሷል እሳዛኝ በሆነ ጥቃት በቶሮንቶ ያንግና ፊንች ጎዳና ኣንድ ኣሽከርካሪ የእግረኛ መንገድ ላይ ወጥቶ በፍጥነት በመንዳት ሆን ብሎ አስር ሰዎችን ሲገድል 16 ያህል ኣቁሰሏል
ጥቃቱ የደረሰበትን የኪራይ ቫን መኪና የሚነዳው ግለሰብ ብ ፖሊስ ተይዟል የ ሃያ ኣምስት ኣመቱ ኣሌክ ሚናስያን ለምን ኣደጋውን እንዳደረሰ በ ፖሊስ እየተጣራ ነው ። በ ጥቃቱ ለተጎዱ ቤተሰቦች የ ካናዳ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር የ ቶሮንቶ ከንቲባ እና ነዋሪዎች የ ሃዘን መግለጫ መልእክት እየላኩ ነው፤፤ በ ኣካባቢው የነበረ ኢራናዊ ካናዳ ሰላማዊ ኣገር መሆኑን ኣወቆ ለትምህርት እንደመጣ እና ይህን ጥቃት በ ኣይኑ ሲታዘብ ግን ወደ ኣገሩ መመለስ እንደሚፈልግ ለ ሲቢሲ ተናግሯል
So far ten people are confirmed dead and 15 others are injured .
A white rental van was seen rampaging pedestrians on the sidewalk . The driver, Alek Minassian, a 25-year-old Toronto resident has been arrested by police at the scene . Nothing has been reported on the motive while police investigation is still underway .
Prime Minster Justin Trudeau expressed his condolences to the families of the victims. “Our thoughts are obviously with those affected by this incident. We are still gathering information and soon as we can, we will share more information with Canadians.”
According to CBC, government officials did not see any connection of the suspect with organized terrorist groups . Following the attack security has been tightened across the North York area . cp24 also reported that there will be heightened security at the ACC for Monday’s NHL playoff game between the Maple Leafs and Bruins
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