Aida Edemariam, an Ethiopian Canadian journalist sat with TV Ontario’s “The Agenda” and reflected about her book. “The wife’s Tale”, is a memoir of Aida’s paternal grandmother, who was married at the age of eight . She talked about the resilience of her grandmother in all the hardships she faced . Aida wrote the book after a 70
ኢትዮጵያዊቷ ደራሲ ኣይዳ እደማርያም በ ካናዳው ቲቪ ኦንታሪዮ ጋር ስለ መጽሃፏ ያደረገችውን ቃለ መጠይቅ ከታች ይመልከቱ
የ ኣይዳ መጽሃፍ የ ሴት ኣያቷን የ ልጅነት ህይወት ይቃኛል፥፤ ኣያቷ በ ስምንት ኣመታቸው የተዳሩ ሲሆን ፥ ጠንካራ ሴት እንደነበሩ በቃለምልልሱ ገልጻለች ፤፤ ኣይዳ ትውለደ ኢትዮጵያዊ የ የካናዳ ዜጋ እና የ ዘ ጋርዲያን ጋዜጧ ኤዲተር ናት ከ ኣያቷ ጋር የ ሰባ ሰኣታት ቃለ ምልልስ ካደረገች በዃላ ነው መጽሃፉን የጻፈችው
Aida, who is also a senior features writer and editor at The Guardian, discussed about her book and the incredible journey of her grandmother’s life.
Aida is the daughter of the late Edemariam Tsega, a well known Ethiopian scientist.
Here is the link fro the interview from TVO