People To People Canada is sending $30,000 to help the fight against Covid-19 in Ethiopia

The Toronto based charitable organization People To People Canada (P2P) is sending $30,000 to help the fight against Covid-19 in Ethiopia . In a statement sent to, P2P announced that it is sending the money to assist orphans under its care in Ethiopia.

Here is the full statement from People to People Canada (P2P)

In light of the unprecedented Novel Corona Virus pandemic (COVID-19) that continues to spread with devastating effect around the world, P2P Canada is taking steps to protect and assist orphans and vulnerable children under its care.

While the spread of the virus and the resulting infections and mortalities that are in the headlines seem to be concentrated in developed countries, infection rates are also climbing in many parts of Africa, including Ethiopia.

We are witnessing the challenges faced by developed countries in tackling the unprecedented effects of the pandemic. If rich countries with highly developed health care systems and mature social safety nets are struggling to cope with the spread of COVID-19 and mitigate its consequences, there is no doubt poor developing countries like Ethiopia will face unimaginable crises.

Many African countries, including Ethiopia, have undertaken physical distancing measures and lock-downs of urban areas to limit or prevent the spread of the deadly virus. The brunt of the direct and indirect effects of the pandemic will definitely fall on the most vulnerable in society — the elderly, orphans and vulnerable children. Of particular concern are people who live in overcrowded dwellings and neighborhoods with limited access to washing and sanitation services.

The lock-down and restrictions on movements, necessary measures being taken by governments, will no doubt reduce the already meager financial capacity of the poorest segments of society. These families are also grappling with sharp rises in the price of food and other basic necessities.

As Henrietta Fore, the Executive Director of UNICEF, noted “children are the hidden victims of the COD-19 pandemic” The closure of schools means that school feeding programs and related health and hygiene services will no more be available for the poorest children.

In short, the pandemic, if left unchecked, is likely to reverse the progress made in human development in many developing countries.

As we join hands to meet the immense challenges we face as Canadians, we should do our best to remember the most vulnerable in poor countries.

People to People Canada is doing its small part by providing an additional funding of $30,000.00 CDN to support our orphans and vulnerable children in Ethiopia.

The funding will be provided to the two local partner organization in Ethiopia, namely Hiwot Integrated Development Organization (HIDO) and Hanna Orphans Home (HOH). The money will:

– Provide additional financial support to orphans and their guardians (food and nutrition services).
– Enhance the water, sanitation and health services provided by partner local organizations.
– Avail protective supplies against COVID-19, and
– Support other necessities, where possible.

To donate to this initiative, please press This Link

For more information about P2P Canada, pleases visit our web page
Thank you for joining hands to make a difference in the lives of orphans and vulnerable children!!!

We would be grateful if you could pass on this email appeal to your network.


People to People Canada

Yohannes Ayalew

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