Toronto police to pay $16.5 million for protestors wrongfully held at 2010 G20 Summit.
According to Cbc News, 1,100 protestors will now recieve compensations that range between 5,000- 27,400.
የቶሮንቶ ፖሊስ በ ጂ-20 ስብሰባ ተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ላይ ያለአግባብ ለተያዙ ሰልፈኞች 15.6 ሚሊየን ዶላር ካሳ ሊከፍል ነው።
በ ሀያዎቹ ታላላቅ አገራት ስብሰባ ወቅት ቶሮንቶ ውስጥ የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ላይ ያለአግባብ የተያዙ በፖሊስ የተንገላቱ 1 ሺ ግለሰቦች ከ 2 ሺ እስከ 24 ሺ ዶላር ይከፈላቸዋል ። የፖሊስ ሬከርዳቸው ይፋቃል
Back in 2010 thousands of people protested during the G20 leader’s summit in Toronto
Majority of the protests were peaceful. However, in some places , police car was burned and vandalism happened.
Thousands of protesters were wrongfully detained by police and were taken to detention centers . several were held in pouring hair while officers shown to use excessive force with sprays tear gas and rubber bullet.
In the aftermath of the summit, several hundred protesters filed a law-class suit against police .
Settlement has been reached this week for Toronto police to pay $16.5 million for protesters and expunge their police records .
Leaders of the G-20 along with the leaders from several countries including the late Ethiopian prime minister Meles Zenawi were in attendance of the summit in Toronto.