The famous Ethiopian painter and Laureet , Lemma Guys passed away.According to Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporations , his family confirmed to Ethiopian press Agency that he passed away this morning .
ታዋቂው ኢትዮጵያዊ ሰኣሊ ክብር ዶክተር ሎሬት አርቲስት ለማ ጉያ አረፉ
ታዋቂው ሰአሊ ሎሬት ሻምበል የክብር ዶክተር አርቲስት ለማ ጉያ ዛሬ ማረፋቸውን ቤተሰቦቻቸው ለኢትዮጵያ ፕሬስ ድርጅት አስታውቀዋል።ሎሬት ሰዓሊ ሻምበል የክብር ዶ/ር ለማ ጉያ በህክምና ሲረዱ ቆይተው በተወለዱ በ92 ዓመታቸው ዛሬ ጥቅምት 16 ቀን 2013 ዓ.ም ከዚህ አለም በሞት ተለይተዋል፡፡
Lemma who died at the age of 92 was receiving medical treatment for his illness .
Lemma was born from his father Guya Gemeda and his mother Mare Gobena in 1921 in Ada’a Liben woreda.
He was one of the top painters in Ethiopia and was known for his portraits at his gallery in the town of Bishoftu . According to his biography by the university of Jimma, Lemma was a mentor for many aspiring young artists .
Several dignatories from all over the world visit his paintings and sculptures at his museum .
Lemma Guya received honorary doctoral degree from the university of Jimma.