A candlelight vigil will be held today for the recent victim of a stabbing around Christie Pits Park of Toronto. The Candle light vigil in memory of the Ethiopian girl Tigist Takele will take place today 5PM at around Christie Pits Park of Toronto, 844 Bloor street west . Organizers reminded participants to come with face masks and respect the provincial social distancing measures.
ባለፈው እሮብ ካናዳ ቶሮንቶ ውስጥ በስለት ተወግታ ህይወቷ ላለፈው ትእግስት ታከለ የ ሻማ ማብራት ስስነስርአት ይካሄዳል ዛሬ አርብ ኖቨምበር 20 ከ 5 PM አንስቶ ነው በክርስቲ ፒትስ ፓርክ ነው የ ሻማ ማብራቱ የሚከናወነው።የ31 አመቷ ትእግስት ባለፈው እሮብ አመሻሽ ላይ በስለት ተወግታ ነው ህይወቷ ያለፈችው :: ሲቲቪ ኒውስ እንደዘገበው በግድያው የ ትእግስት የቀድሞ ፍቅረኛ ሳሙኤል ግርማፅዮን በ ነፍስ ማጥፋት ክስ ተመስርቶበታል ። በርካታ የ ትእግስት ወዳጆች የማህበረሰብ አባላት ሀዛናቸውን እዩገለፁ ነው
A 31 year old Toronto resident Tigist Takele was stabbed to death in an apparent domestic homicide on Wednesday evening .
CTV news reported that a 36 years old man Samuel Girmatsion has been charged with one count of first degree murder .
The community has been mourning the death of Tigist since the news broke out on Wednesday .
Those who spoke with CTV news said the victim was a very popular girl. ” Every body is sad, every body is hurt ” says one community member interviewed by CTV. According to Global news, Tigist has been living in Canada for less than five years. She was found with no vital signs after police arrived responding a call to an Ethiopian Restaurant, Jolly Bar on Bloor and Ossington area.
A pour of social media posts from the community are mourning the loss of a young soul .