The annual Sotigui Awards honoured several artists around Africa with Awards in cinema excellence .
የ ኣፍሪካ የ ፊልም ሽልማት ቡርኪናፋሶ ኡጋዱጉ ውስጥ ተካሄደ ፤፤ የ ቶሮንቶ ፎቶ ጋዜጠኛ ሳሚ ኣብርሃ ለ ኢትዮ ፊደል እንደገለጸልን ሶቲጁ አዋርድ የተሰኘው የ ሽልማት ስነስርኣቱ ከ ተለያዩ የኣፍሪካ ኣገራት የመጡ የፊልም ባለሙያዎችን ሸልሟል
በተለያዩ ዘርፎች ሽልማቶች በተሰጡበት ዝግጅት ላይ ኢትዮጵያዊቷ የምስራች ግርማ በ ቁራኛዬ ፊልም ለምርጥ የሴት ተዋናይነት ታጭታ ነበር
በ ዝግጅቱ በ ቅርብ በሞት ለተለየው የብላክ ፓንተር ፊልም ተዋናይ ቻድዊክ ቦስማን ልዩ መታሰቢያ ተደርጓል::
The Awards event that took place in Burkina Faso brought together artists and film makers from different parts of the continent .
more than 40 Nominees in various categories were named and scores of artists received their awards in several categories .
Sami. A Abraha, a Toronto based photographer, told ethiofidel that the glamourous event was a success in promoting professionals in the cinema industry in Africa .
Yemisrach Girma of Ethiopia was nominated for best actress for her role in the movie called “Kuragnaye” .
The colorful event paid special tribute to the late Black Panther Star Chadwick Boseman .