Carolyn Wells ኣA woman from Ontario Canada, , choked on a screw found in her Tim Horton’s iced coffee.
The women told news outlets that she was chocked on a screw found in her Timhortons iced coffee purchased by her daughter .
ኣንዲት የካናዳ ኦንታሪዮ ግዛት ነዋሪ በገዛችው ቡና ውስጥ የነበረ ብሎን ጉሮሮዋ ውስጥ ተቀርቅሮ ለሞት ሊያበቃት እንደነበረ ተናገረች ፤
ቲም ሆርተንስ ከተባለ የቡና መሸጫ ልጇ የገዛችላትን ኣይስ ኮፊ የጠጣችው ካሮሊን ዌልስ ከ ቡናው ጋር የጠጣችው ብሎን ቢያንቃትም በልጇ እገዛ ከሞት መትረፏን ተናግራለች ።
በቡናዋ ውስጥ ብሎን ማግኘቷን ለ ቡና መሸጫው ስትናገር በቅድሚያ የካዱ ቢሆንም ቆየት ብለው ግን ብሎኑ የ በረዶ ማሽኑን ኣልፎ በቡናው ውስጥ እንደገባ ኣምነዋል ። ተጎጂዋን ለመካስ የቲም ሆርተንስ ቡና መሸጫ ሃላፊዎች ማድረግ የምንችለው ይቅርታ መጠየቅ እና ኣንድ የነጻ ምሳ መስጠት ነው ሲሉ ምላሽ ሰጥተዋል ። በ ዚህ የተናደደችው ዌልስ ግን ቲም ሆርተንስ የቡና ኩባንያን እንደምትከስ ተናግራለች ፤
She said she started chocking while drinking the coffee and could not breathe . Her daughter tapped her back and the screw came out .
He woman felt lucky that she was alive . When she reported this deadly experience to Timhortons , she was only offered a lunch .
She complained to the branch they told her that the screw was not from the coffee shop . But later on the store admitted that the screw came from the back of an ice machine .
It is reported that Wells is considering a lawsuit against Timhortons.