A New Book from Ethiopian Author Emebet Mengiste

A new book by an Ethiopian Canadian author, Emebet Mengiste has been launched on Amazon .

“Abren” is one of the five books by the same author and focuses on the story of eight childhood friends.

በአሜሪካ ነዋሪ የሆነችው የደራሲ እመቤት መንግስቴ አዲስ መፅሀፍ በገበያ ላይ ውሏል ።
“አብረን” በሚል ርእስ የታተመው የእመቤት መፅሀፍ
ከልጅነት አብረው ያደጉ 8 ጓደኛሞችን አብሮነት ይተርካል።

የልጅነት ጓደኝነት እና  ፍቅርን ይዳስሳል ።

በማህበረሰቡ ዘንድ በግልፅ የማይነገሩ ጉዳዬችን የሚያነሳ መፅሀፍ መሆኑን አማዘን የፃፈው ሀተታ ያስረዳል
ደራሲ እመቤት ለኢትዬ ፊደል እንደገለፀችልን  አንባቢያን መፅሀፉን ከአማዘን ከገዙ 10% በቀጥታ ከ ደራሲዋ ከገዙ ዱግሞ 20 በመቶ ገቢው ለ ታላቁ ህዳሴ ግድብ ይሰጣል ።
ከዚ ቀደም ካሳተመችው መድሀፏ ሽያጭ ከ 15 ሺ ዶላር በላይ ለግድቡ በማበርከቷ ደስተኛ መሆኗን ነግራናለች።

ይህ “አብረን” መፅሀፍ የ ደራሲ  እመቤት መንግስቴ 5ኛ መፅሀፍ ነው ።
መፅሀፉን ከዚ ሊንክ ይግዙ

A new book by author Emebet Mengiste is on Amazon .
Emebet mengiste’s new book -“Abren” is a beautifully written work of art. Set in Ethiopia, It’s a tale of a childhood friendship, love and loss .The story revolves around eight friends who come into each other’s life in kindergarten and manage to grow old togther. As always her story teaches us to examine ourselves and our relationship with our loved ones, as well as to society. The book also boldly discusses ‘taboo’ topics such as depression and
loneliness which are not frequently brought to attention.

Yohannes Ayalew

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