Day: June 5, 2023
Employment Organization For Newcomers in Canada
ወደ ካናዳ ለሚመጡ አደስ መጦች የ ስራ ፍለጋ አገልግሎት የሚሰጡ ድርጅቶች ዝርዝርን ከታች ያገኛሉ ሊሎች በርካታ ድርጅቶችም ይህንኑ አገልግሎት ይሰጣሉ ACCES Employment 489 College Street,…
Cuso International Empowering Women in Cameroon
In a remote village in southern Cameroon, most women stay at home to care for their families. But Thérèse Kaldjob, 21, wanted something different. She…
Cuso International Volunteer Program in Ethiopia
Cuso International is strengthening women and girls’ empowerment in Ethiopia by creating greater access to volunteer experiences that are founded on gender equality and social…