Dear readers of Ethiofidel,
The time has come for an important election in Toronto, Canada. Toronto will be electing its new mayor in a by-election scheduled for June 26th. This election was triggered by the resignation of former Mayor John Tory, who stepped down following an affair with a city staffer.
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This mayoral race has garnered significant attention, with a record-breaking number of 120 candidates registered to participate. Among the diverse group of contenders are an 18-year-old candidate and even a dog. Despite the large number of candidates, the focus now narrows down to the top five individuals who are earnestly campaigning to capture voters’ attention.
Let’s take a brief look at the top five candidates and provide you with their campaign websites where you can find more details about their campaigns:
Olivia Chow: Olivia Chow is a seasoned politician, having served as both a Member of Parliament and a city councillor. She is the most experienced public servant among the leading contenders. Chow’s campaign primarily centers around housing and transit issues. It’s worth mentioning that she is the widow of the late former leader of the NDP party.
Campaign website: Olivia Chow for Mayor of Toronto
Mark Saunders: Mark Saunders, the former police chief for Toronto, is emerging as a strong contender in the election campaign. He aims to bring about changes to the city’s bike lanes and is also keen on challenging and halting the city’s drug criminalization efforts.
Campaign website: Mark Saunders for Toronto
Josh Matlow: Josh Matlow currently serves as a city councillor, and his election platform primarily focuses on reforming procedures within the city council to advance his vision as mayor, in addition to addressing other important issues.
Campaign website: Josh Matlow for Mayor (
Mitzie Hunter: Mitzie Hunter, a Member of Parliament from Scarborough Guilwood, is now running for the position of Toronto’s mayor. Her campaign theme, “Fix the Six,” revolves around introducing a new transit plan and tackling the housing crisis in Toronto.
Campaign website: Mitzie Hunter For Mayor (
Ana Bailão: Ana Bailão, the former deputy for John Tory, is running for mayor with the aim of making a difference in the city’s politics. Her campaign also places a strong emphasis on affordable housing.
Campaign website: Home | Ana Bailão (
These five candidates represent a diverse range of backgrounds and priorities, and their campaigns are in full swing. If you’re interested in learning more about their platforms and visions for the city, we encourage you to visit their respective campaign websites.