Day: October 1, 2023
Ontario Increasing Minimum Wage to $16.55 an Hour
The Ontario government increases the minimum wage to $16.55 as of October 1,2023 . በካናዳ የ ኦንታሪዮ ግዛት ለሰራተኞች የሚከፈለው ዝቅተኛ መነሻ ደሞዝ በሰአት 16…
The Ontario government increases the minimum wage to $16.55 as of October 1,2023 . በካናዳ የ ኦንታሪዮ ግዛት ለሰራተኞች የሚከፈለው ዝቅተኛ መነሻ ደሞዝ በሰአት 16…