Summer Glow//Skin Care and Summer

The warmest season is here already. Here are some tips to keep your beauty and skin health intact through the harsh and humid days ahead.

The first important step in skin care is identifying what type of skin you have. You can understand your skin more by just paying attention to how it feels after washing your face with a gentle cleanser. If your skin feels like it’s being pulled, you most likely have a dry skin. If it feels like it is unaffected, you probably have an oily skin. if it feels like it’s dry on some parts and not so much on some, you most probably have a hybrid skin.

After identifying your skin type you can easily choose the products to use and avoid. During summer your skin isn’t prone to losing moisture. However, you have to make sure to use moisturizer as often as your skin needs it depending on the type of skin you have.

The other important thing during summer is the proper use of sunscreen. Most sunscreens require to be reapplied every two hours to avoid sunburns that might end up causing irreversible damage to skin. Sunscreens should be used according to their instructions.

For sensitive skins, it is recommended to use sunscreens with no fragrance to avoid reactions that might irritate the skin. If your skin is sensitive to the point where it reacts to the non-fragrant sunscreens as well, it is suggestable to use the baby or infant sunscreen with higher spectrum in order to avoid any potential triggers to the skin.

Organic care wise, cucumbers are the oldest trick in the book. Cucumbers to lighten up dark circles and turmeric to solve uneven skin aka hyperpigmentation. Rice water is a natural cleanser and anti inflammatory. You can ferment brown rice over night in a jar by filling it half with rice and water to the top to get your all natural cleanser. Oats and Honey is another important anti bacteria and anti fungal. Coffee and Honey can be combined to make an under eye mask and last but not least is the egg white mask for a natural glow to your skin.

We hope this helps you achieve your summer glow goals. Happy summer.

Yohannes Ayalew

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