Police said they found the body that is believed to be that of Siem Zerezghi, a 15 years old boy who was reported missing . Global News reported that the body was found in a water close to Professor Day Drive in Bradford. The search team found items that are believed to belong to Zerezghi.
በቅርቡ ከቤት ወጥቶ ያልተመለሰውን እና የካናዳ ብራንፎርድ ከተማ ነዋሪ የነበረውን ወጣት ስየም ዘረዝጊ ኣስከሬን ከውሃ ውስጥ ማግኘቱን ፖሊስ ኣስታውቋል ፤፤
ሰሞኑን በድሮን ጭምር የታገዘ ፍለጋ ሲያደርግ የነበረው የ ሲምኮ ፖሊስ የታዳጊውን እቃዎች ባገኘበት አካባቢ ባደረገው አሰሳ የስየም ዘረዝጊ እንደሆነ የታመነበት ኣስከሬን ከውሀ ውስጥ አግኝቷል:: ዘረዝጊ በምን ምክንያት ሕይወቱ እንዳለፈ ለማጣራት ፖሊስ ምርመራ እያካሄደ መሆኑን ግሎባል ኒውስ ዘግቧል:: የከተማዋ ከንቲባ ለ ስየም ዘረዝጊ ቤተሰቦች መጽናናትን ተመኝተዋል ::
The Mayor of Branford city expressed his condolences to the family of Siem Zerezghi. Simcoe Police also thanked all the community members who helped with providing camera footage and information that narrowed the search .
The members of Simcoe community held a vigil night for Siem . Cp 24 reported that police reported that they have no reason to suspect foul play .