Attendees at the Prairie Drive near Victoria park station in Toronto were gazing with awe when Ethiopian Circus artist Abebe Atlabachew show his natural talent doing free standing ladder, bounce juggling and cigar boxes.
የ ሰርከስ እና የ ኢትዮጵያ ባህላዊ ጭፈራዎች ዝግጅት በ ቶሮንቶ ተካሄደ የሰርከስ ኣርቲስት አበበ ኣጥላባቸው ኣስገራሚ የሰርከስ ክህሎት የታየበት ዝግጅት በ ኢትዮጵያውያን የ አገሬ እና ሰብ ሰብ በሉ የውዝውዜ ቡድን ኣባላት የተለያዩ የኣገራችን ባህላዊ ውዝዋዜዎች ቀርበውበታል ዝግጅቱን የ ሰብሰብ በሉ የ ዳንስ ቡድን ሃላፊ ሶሰና ኣሰፋ እና የሶሰርክ ተወካይ ራቼል ዴቪድ ኣስተባብረውታል፥፥ አርቲስት ኣበበ የሰርከስ ዝግጅቱን ከኣለም ዙሪያ የመጡ ስደተኞችን ታሪክ ለሌሎች ለመንገር እንደሚጠቀምበት በዝግጅቱ ላይ ተገልጿል ፤፤ ይህ የሰርከስ እና ሙዚቃ ዝግጅት ነገም ኦክቶበር 3,2021 be 2 Pm እና 6 Pm ቪክቶሪያ ፓርክ station Pairie Drive park ውስጥ ይካሄዳል
This show , Bounce was created by Ethiopian newcomer, Abebe Atlabachew, as his first show in Canada. It was Produced in partnership with Sosena Assefa of Seseb Belu and Rachel David of SoCirC.
Along the circus artist , Ethiopian dancers based in Toronto threw a top of the line performance of Ethiopian traditional dancing .
The theatrical showcase at the beginning portrayed a story of migration around the world . WIth a hybrid of dance, colorful costumes and magical circus skills, the show symbolized the difficult journey taken by immigrants and the resilience that accompanies it.
Organizers told ethiofidel that Bounce circus and Ethiopian dance show will be staged tomorrow October 3 at 2 Pm and 6 Pm.