Tanzanian Entrepreneurs Thrive Through Training and Support from SUGECO

Finding employment has been a challenge for many in Tanzania, but for individuals like Rajabu and Esther, their lives are changing thanks to the support from Cuso International’s local partner, the Sokoine University Graduate Entrepreneurs Cooperative (SUGECO).

Rajabu, born and raised in Morogoro, Tanzania, faced difficulty finding stable employment. After moving to Dar es Salaam in search of work, he was forced to return to Morogoro without much success. Separated from his wife and two sons, Rajabu was searching for a new path when a close friend introduced him to SUGECO and the training programs they offer.

Through SUGECO, Rajabu found not only a space to start his own fruit tree nursery but also the technical and soft skills needed to run a successful business.

“The most important thing I’ve learned is how to run a business,” Rajabu shared.

Since joining SUGECO, Rajabu’s daily income has increased fivefold, allowing him to better support his family, pay rent, send his children to school, and meet other living expenses. He has also been able to pass on his newfound knowledge to other young people pursuing the same line of work.

SUGECO, based in Morogoro, plays a vital role in promoting agribusiness development, job creation, and economic prosperity in the region.

Esther is another example of the life-changing impact of SUGECO’s initiatives. After losing her job in a tobacco processing factory, Esther struggled to make ends meet. “Before SUGECO, there was a time where I could sleep without eating,” she recalled. But once she joined the cooperative, things took a turn for the better. Esther participated in the harvest of Habanero chili, earning an average of 5,000 Tanzanian Shillings per day.

Esther’s husband has also found seasonal work through SUGECO, allowing them both to contribute to their household. In the off-season, Esther develops her craftwork, making jewelry and baskets to earn extra income. She currently sells her creations on the street but is determined to secure a permanent market stall.

SUGECO’s impact on the lives of entrepreneurs like Rajabu and Esther is clear, but there’s more work to be done. With your support, more people can access the training and resources they need to succeed. Even better, your donation will be matched six times by Global Affairs Canada, multiplying the impact of your contribution.

To make a difference, contact: info@cusointernational.org.

photo from Cuso International

Yohannes Ayalew

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