An Ode to mothers love

By Fatima Alibaba

Many of us grow up knowing not to tick dad off and make mum cry. We grow up under her tutelage and guidance and know that far worse is the fate of the one who causes her tears than he/she that calls her wrath. We are taught strictly that father is provider and mother is nurturer and the latter therefore is weak. Well I know now who really is the stronger, and the smarter of the two. Mother can be both she and father but the roles rarely fit as well when reversed.

Please don’t get me wrong, this is not to say single parent mum is better than single parent dad. No. Just to pay homage to she who can bare you and raise you and carry you on her back all the while teaching you strength, courage, honour and wisdom to be a man of valour.

From her womb flows life and out of her breast sustenance. If you listen well you can plum the wells of her knowledge and increase your own human wealth with character and well being.

If we search her eyes we see the dynamics of the world played out and made as plain as stars lighting up the darkest night.  Her face eventually tells the story of a journey from old. Read her well and you will find yourself in the creases and crevices of her lines of laughter. Bring her peace and it reflects in you. Grieve her soul and yours will never find rest. Not out of witchcraft or secret tortures. Simply based on the principals of the universe.

Mama is Queen. Mama is King. Mama is all hidden treasure In between.  Treat her well for it is wise to do so. A word to the wise is enough.

Yohannes Ayalew

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