Ethiopian movie, Lamb screened at Toronto International Film Festival ( TIFF)

የ ኢትዮጵያዊው ያሬድ ዘለቀ ፊልም በቶሮንቶ ፊልም ፌስቲቫል ላይ እየታየ ነው፥፥
ያሬድ በተለይ ከ ኢትዬ ፊደል አዘጋጅ ዩሐንስ አያሌዉ ጋር ባደረገው ቃለ ምልልስ ፊልሙ ለ ቶሮንቶ ፊልም ፌስቲቫል
በ መቅረቡ ደስተኛ መሆኑን ተናግሯል፥፤







አንድ ታዳጊ ከ በግ ግልገሉ ጋር ያለውን ቁርኝት እና በጓን ከመታረድ ለማዳን የሚያደርገውን ጥረት ያሳያል ፊልሙ
ታሪኩ በከፊል የኔ የልጅነት ታሪክ ነው ይላል ያሬድ ፤ ከ ሰባት ሺ በላይ አክተሮችን ሞክሮ የ ፊልሙን መሪ ተዋናይ እንደመረጠ አጫውቶናል

ይህ ላም የተሰኘው ፊልም በ ፈረንሳይ ካን ፊልም ፌስቲቫል ላይም ቀርቦ አድናቆትን አግኝቷል ፊልሙ የፊታችን እሁድ  ሴፕተምበር 20  በ ኢዛቤል ባደር ቲያትር 6:30 PM  አንሰቶ ይታያል

Lamb, a movie directed by Ethiopian film maker Yared Zeleke has been screened at the Toronto International Film Festival. ( TIFF)

This is the first premier of the movie in North America after it was selected and shown at the Cannes International Festival in France.

At the screening of his movie Lamb, to a full theater audience at the Scotia theater in Toronto, Yared was praised for his unique story line and portrayal of the relationship of the young character ( Rediet) created with his Lamb( Chuni) .

The movie narrates the hardship of a young boy who had to pay all the sacrifices to save his lamb from being slaughtered.

“This is a semi autobiography that reflects my childhood “says writer-Director Yared Zeleke, during an exclusive interview with

For Yared and the crew, it was an exciting moment to be selected at the Cannes film festival and the screening of the movie at the TIFF. He thanked all that came out to support the movie.

He also commented on the film industry in Ethiopia” The film industry in Ethiopia has grown a lot in the past 7 years “ yared told ethiofidel.

The movie that depicts the 1976 Ethiopia takes years in the making including the auditioning of 7,000 actors before selecting the predominantly non professional actors.

Yared Zeleke was born in Ethiopia and studied film in New York. He directed several documentaries prior to his much acclaimed feature film Lamb.

Lamb is one of the three Ethiopian movies that are screened at TIFF and will be screened again on Sunday September 20 at Isabel Bader Theater in Toronto at 6:30 PM.


Yohannes Ayalew

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