Fort McMurray teen Maryam Tsegaye becomes the first Canadian to win a breakthrough global challenge .
A Grade 12 student at École McTavish, Maryam, won the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, an international competition challenging youth to make a short video on a concept or theory in life sciences, physics or math. The goal is to inspire youth to think creatively about science.
የካናዳ ነዋሪዋ ታዳጊ ሜሪያም ጸጋዬ ኣለም ኣቀፍ የ ቪዲዮ ውድ ድር አሸነፈች ፥፤ በ ኣጭር ቪዲዮ ውስብስብ የፈጠራ ሐሳብን በማጋራት ውድ ድሩ ያሽነፈች የመጀመሪያዋ ካናዳዊም ሆናለች ታዳጊ ሜሪያም ከ 5,600 0 ተወዳዳሪዎች እንዲሁም 30 ለግማሽ ፍጻሜ ያለፉትን ሁሉ ኣሸንፋ ነው ለሽልማት የበቃችው::
የፎርት ማክመሪ ከተማ ነዋሪ የሆነችው ሜሪያም ጸጋዬ በ ሶስት ደቂቃ ቪዲዮ ለራሷ የ 250 ሺ ስኮላርሽፕ ስታገኝ ለ ኣስተማሪዋ የ 50 ሺ ዶላር ሽልማት እንዲሁም ለትምህርትቤቷ የሳይንስ ላብራቶሪ 100 ሺ ዶላር ሽልማት ኣስገኝታለች::
በ ኳንተም ፊዚክስ ቀመር ላይ ያተኮረው ቪዲዮዋ “ብሬክ ትሩ ጆኒየር ቻሌንጅ” ለተሰኘ ኣለም ኣቀፍ ሽልማት ያበቃት ሜሪያም “ውድድሩን ሳላስበው እንደ ቀልድ ነው የገባሁት ለመሳተፍ እንጂ ለማሸነፍ ኣላሰብኩም ነበር” ብላለች ለ ፎርትማክመሪ ቱዴ ድረ ገጽ በሰጠችው ቃለምልልስ :: ቪዲዮውን እዚህ ይመልከቱ
According to Fort McMurry Today, The 17-year-old student has won a $250,000 scholarship, $100,000 for a science lab at her school, and $50,000 for her teacher, Katherine Vladicka-Davies.
“It’s really crazy. I was just not even entering the competition thinking I would win, I just did it for the sake of the challenge and for the fun of it,” said Tsegaye on Thursday. “I did not expect it to get this far.” says Maryam speaking to Fort McMurry Today.
Maryam had beaten 30 semifinalists and more than 5,600 applicants with her three minutes video of quantum physics method.