Black owned businesses featuring products at Scarborough Town center This long weekend

Black owned businesses are featuring their products inside the Scarborough Town center ( STC) this long weekend .

የጥቁር ካናዳውያን የንግድ ተቋማት በ ስካርቦሮ ታውን ሴንተር ሞል ውስጥ ምርቶቻቸውን እያቀረቡ ነው ፡፡ ለ ፋሚሊ ዴይ ሎንግ ዊኬንድ በ ሞሉ የሚቆዩት ባለ ንግድ ቤቶቹ የተለያዩ የውበት መጠበቂያ የጌጣጌጥ እና ሊሎች ምርቶችን እያቀረቡ ነው

የ ጥቁር ካናድውያን ተመራማሪዎችን እና ግኝቶቻቸውን የሚያሳይ የልጆች መጽሃፍም በሽያጭ ቀርቧል መጽሃፉ ልጆች ከለር የሚያደርጉት ሲሆን በ አለም ላይ እንደ የልጆች ጋሪ፤ የ ላውንደሪ ማድረቂያ እና ሊሎች ነገሮችን የፈለሰፉ ጥቁሮችን ታሪክ ለልጆች ያሳያል ፡፡ የመጽህፉ ደራሲ ለኢትዮ ፊደል አዘጋጅ እንደተናገረችው መጽሃፉ ወላጆች ከልጆቻቸው ጋር ሰለ ጥቁር ህዝቦች ታሪክ እንዲወያዩ እድል ይፈጥራል ፡፡

ዝግጅቱን ስካርቦሮ ታውን ሴንተር ሞል ከ ብላክ ኦውንድ ቶሮንቶ ጋር በመተባበር ለ ጥቁር ህዝቦች ታሪክ ወር ነው ያዘጋጁት ፡፡

Scarborough Town center ( STC) in partnership with Black owned TO is celebrating Black History Month by featuring Black owned businesses, art and community for the long weekend.

The vendors are selling arts , self care products, and many more items. A coloring book for kids, “We did That” is one of the attractions on sale. The creator of the book Cheyanne Reid told ethiofidel’s producer, Johnny Ayalew that the book highlights Black creators and their inventions. She says ” This coloring book is sure to be a family-time-favorite where parents and children can engage in important dialogue about the many valuable contributions black men and women have made in our society .

The vendors will be available for the Family Day long weekend inside the Scarborough town center.

Photos by Johnny Ayalew

Yohannes Ayalew

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