Month: October 2018
በ ካናዳ ሁለት ከተሞች ለምክር ቤት ኣባላት ሙሉ በ ሙሉ ሴቶችን መረጡ .Ontario Township Make History Electing All-female Councils.
በ ካናዳ ሁለት ከተሞች ለምክር ቤት ኣባላት ሙሉ በ ሙሉ ሴቶችን መረጡ ስፓኒሽ ኦንታሪዮ እና ኣልጎንኪን ታውን የተሰኙት ከተሞች ነዋሪዎች ለከተማ ምክር ቤቶቻችው በተካሄደ ምርጯ…
የኢትዮጵያ የመጀመሪያ ሴት ፕሬዝዳንት መረጠች:: Ethiopia Appoints its firs female heads of state .
Ethiopia appoints its firs female heads of state . የኢትዮጵያ የመጀመሪያ ሴት ፕሬዝዳንት ሆነው የተመረጡት ኣምባሳደር ሳህለ ወርቅ ዘውዴ በ ሴራሊዮን እና ጂቡቲ የ ኢትዮጵያ…
በ ኦሮምኛ ሙዚቃ የሚታወቁትኣንጋፋው ኢትዮጵያዊ ድምጻዊ ለገሰ ኣብዲ ኣረፉ. Ethiopia’s Legendery Oromo musician Passed Away
The Ethiopian music legend Legassa Abdii passed away after illness . One of the pioneers of Oromo music , artist Legesse played several songs ….
ኢትዮጵያዊ ካናዳዊቷ ወይኒ መንገሻ በቶሮንቶ የሚገኝ ቲያትር ቤት ዳይሬክተር ሆነች:: Weyni Mengesha Named Artistic Director for Soulpepper Theatre
Weyni Mengesha named Artistic Director for Soulpepper Theatre. The famous Canadian director Weyni Mengesha has been named as the new artistic director of Soulpepper Theatre…
Tana Awards Recognized Social Media Influencers. የጣና ማኅበራዊ ሚዲያ ሽልማት አሸናፊዎች ተለይተዋል፡፡
Ethiopia’s social media award, Tana Award, recognized social media influencers in Ethiopia. Fifteen individuals and social media outlets were awarded at a ceremony organized by…
Cuso International Hosts The international Day of the Girl in Toronto
Globally, 1 in 3 girls denied secondary education and one million girls are forced in to marriage every year. These facts were presented at an…
Canadians Celebrating Thanksgiving Day
Canadians are celebrating thanksgiving Day with various activities. As a tradition, families are gathering stound a Turkey meal to give thanks to good things ….
ኩላሊትን የሚጎዱ ኣስር ነገሮችን ከዚህ ቪዲዮ ይመልከቱ :: Ten Things that will Damage our Kidneys
የኩላሊት ነገር ፥፥ ኩላሊታችን የሚጎዱ ኣስር ነገሮችን ከዚህ ቪዲዮ ይመልከቱ